Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hey guys

Little update before I go to the Concert tonight. (There will be pictures tomorrow)
I've stumbled across Waiter Rant a few times, but today when I found this I knew I had to share. I don't care what side of the abortion fight you're on. This will certainly put things into perspective.

Enjoy your night (I know I will)
and I'll see you tomorrow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ola Mousier McMolty,
What a cool rant - I'll have to read more of that guy's stuff. Hmm, well, over here in Pullman we had so much snowz school was canceled! This actually made me a bit of a sad panda since I had to miss my scuba lab and karate. So, from you previous post I gather you are turning vegetarian? Weird - I know, I've been eating less meat too. I think it's because everything has slowly become monotonous down in the dining center. I've been dreaming of steak with bleu cheese...
Well, what color is your hair now? mine's back to normal for now. Easier to take care of.
We made an igloo today - at least, we tried to. It was epic. And then we went sledding and climbed ontop of this MONSTROUS snowball thing someone made...only later did we realize it was a phallus. *sigh* Yay college, we're all so mature.