Saturday, March 8, 2008

Feather says I don't Blog Enough.

So, when I see Feather Tonight, I'll have to tell her I made a Post just for her.

Sorry there en't no pictures from the Decemberists Concert, but they all turned out blurry and blue. Not wonderful. But I do have to say that I thought the concert was God damned amazing. Lauren, Rachel, and I are gonna try and go to all the shows they have in the area. The Opening band, the Builders and the Butchers were pretty awesome as well. I bought one of their CD's as soon as I got home that night.

So, onto more recent news. Joe-Henry, Surintha, and I, along with the occasional feather and Denney, have spent the last couple of days soaking in the anime. Mostly Fate/ Stay Night and Claymore. Both of which are interesting. I've seen Fate before, I saw an AMV that used it at Sakuracon last year and spend the next few months trying to figure out the name of the anime, until I saw the AMV on youtube and got the name. Claymore, however was something Joe-Henrey introduced to me last night. I have to say I'm impressed. Look for it on Megavideo if you wanna find it. Unfortunatly for me, you've got to download Fate/Stay Night to watch it ever since TV-links got shut down earlier this year.

So, I'm gonna be GMing a game of Gurps Soon, I'm excited. I got to create and then populate a planet with aliens. Soo I get to shuff of some poor hapless humans on it as well. Yay.

On the Topic of GMing, I wanna do a World of Darkness game this summer, And I realy want Jamie, Caity, Lix and Abby to play (which'll be intresting, cause I don't know if Abby's ever done anything with Roleplaying at all, but I think she'd manage well enough, she things well on her feet.)

Speeking of Abby! She's competing in Shot To The Face, a 72 hour film competition today. Her video Sweet Adeline is up for judging today. Wish Her Luck!

So, yep, thats it for the day, see y'alls later

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