Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wow, something I actually feel like blogging about.

The Sorry State of Masculinity in Hollywood

"Films such as Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Knocked Up and Superbad - all from the production stable of Judd Apatow - show that the young male box-office stars of today’s romantic comedies are goofy schlubs and nerds. As unlikely as it seems, actors such as Segel (Sarah Marshall), Seth Rogen (Knocked Up) and Michael Cera and Jonah Hill (Superbad) now define the paradigm of a Hollywood romantic lead. Cary Grant they are not. They’re not even Hugh Grant. They may know the appeal of sex, but they have no sex appeal."

-Christopher Goodwin The sorry state of masculinity in American movies

It takes a lot for me to actually pause long enough in my Stumbling to read an article that appears. imagine the effort it take for me to blog about it.

The Main point of the article is how almost no leading males in recent romantic comedies are Manly Men. Dripping Sex, Alcohol and a good bar fight. Nope, these guys are chubby, emotionally insecure, and have no idea what to do when the woman across the bar actually comes over to talk to them. Hey. Wait a moment. I've heard of that problem before. Oh yes, Real life

How many men out there, of any age, can actually order a woman a drink and get into her pants that very night. Very few. Even less if you count the ones that don't use aqua dots. Hollywood is starting to get something right. Men aren't build like brick shit houses. They're kind of soft, and very confused when it comes to women's genetalia. I think it's excellent that some one is starting to realize that.

I can identify more with a man on the big screen who is a slob, fumbles his words and has no idea what a labia is, than James bond.

Like it or not. Real men are here to stay

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