Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wow, something I actually feel like blogging about.

The Sorry State of Masculinity in Hollywood

"Films such as Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Knocked Up and Superbad - all from the production stable of Judd Apatow - show that the young male box-office stars of today’s romantic comedies are goofy schlubs and nerds. As unlikely as it seems, actors such as Segel (Sarah Marshall), Seth Rogen (Knocked Up) and Michael Cera and Jonah Hill (Superbad) now define the paradigm of a Hollywood romantic lead. Cary Grant they are not. They’re not even Hugh Grant. They may know the appeal of sex, but they have no sex appeal."

-Christopher Goodwin The sorry state of masculinity in American movies

It takes a lot for me to actually pause long enough in my Stumbling to read an article that appears. imagine the effort it take for me to blog about it.

The Main point of the article is how almost no leading males in recent romantic comedies are Manly Men. Dripping Sex, Alcohol and a good bar fight. Nope, these guys are chubby, emotionally insecure, and have no idea what to do when the woman across the bar actually comes over to talk to them. Hey. Wait a moment. I've heard of that problem before. Oh yes, Real life

How many men out there, of any age, can actually order a woman a drink and get into her pants that very night. Very few. Even less if you count the ones that don't use aqua dots. Hollywood is starting to get something right. Men aren't build like brick shit houses. They're kind of soft, and very confused when it comes to women's genetalia. I think it's excellent that some one is starting to realize that.

I can identify more with a man on the big screen who is a slob, fumbles his words and has no idea what a labia is, than James bond.

Like it or not. Real men are here to stay

Monday, May 26, 2008

The List! Numer 88 done!

So, I did number 88! I organized this list! But an extra number appeared, so, for some reason I've got 102! But that's ok. Number 88 is done guys! 100 more to go!

1. Speak Esperanto fluently
2. Learn Hebrew
3..Speak Hebrew fluently
4.“Speak” Sign language fluently
5. Read 20 novels outside of class
6. Study abroad
7. Blog Everyday for a month about stuff other than my life (1/30)
8. Do not skip class for a month
9. Read 10 banned books
10. Subscribe to a magazine
11. attend an Esperanto convention


12. Write 5 ten page short stories (0/5)
13. Write ten five page short stories (0/10)
14. Use dream weaver to design my personal site
15. Buy a domain name and launch my own website
16. Write a novel
17. Write 50 poems (0/50)
18. Learn to play an instrument
19. Complete a legacy challenge in Sims 3 (0/10)
20. Complete NaNoWriMo at least once
21. reupholster the throne
22. Build something


23. Lose 10lbs (0/10)
24. Lose 20lbs (0/20)
25. Lose 30lbs (0/30)
26. Go one month without soda (0/30)
27. Go vegetarian a week (0/7)
28. Go vegan for a week (0/7)

Life Style Choices

29. Learn to make my own cloths
30. Get rid of 50 material things (0/50)


31. Go to Norway
32. Get my passport
33. Visit 5 states I've never been to (0/5)
34. Get my license
35. Go on a road Trip
36. Take a road trip cross-country.
37. Road trip for a week without a map

38. Save 5,000$ (0/5000)
39. Buy nothing but groceries for an entire month (0/30)
40. Get a job


41. Make my bed for two weeks consecutively (0/14)
42. No Internet for a week (0/7)
43. Buy 20 DVD's (0/20)

Interpersonal Relationships

44. Send 10 cards or letters through the mail (0/10)
45. Make friends with 10 New people (0/10)
46. Speak nothing but the truth for a day
47. Confront my father
48. Call someone in my cellphone that I never talk to and hang out with them
49. Go one day without speaking
50. Have a murder mystery party
51. Anonymously pay for someone’s tab a restaurant
52. Go on a weekend getaway with someone I love (and not let them pay for anything)


53. Read the Torah
54. Join the Hillel for at least a year
55. Learn about the Jewish holidays
56. Participate in said Jewish Holidays
57. learn 5 traditional Jewish dishes (0/5)
58. Be able to cook said dishes from memory (0/5)
59. Go to Temple


60. No Internet for a week (0/7)
61. No Computer for a week (0/7)
62. Blog about every achievement (1/101)
63. Go without stumbling for a week
64. buy an Ipod

65. Treat a homeless person to dinner
66. Buy from the co-op
67. Buy from the farmers market
68. Plant a tree

Self Betterment
69. Spend 300$ on cloths for myself (0/300)
70. Win a game of beer pong
71. Send a secret to Post Secret
72. Stay up for 48 hours straight
73. Reread all the Harry Potter Books
74. Reread all Tamera Peirce books
75. Read the Lord of the Rings
76. Have sex in an unusual place
77. Run a roleplaying game and keep it going
78. Go to a concert
79. Have a very fancy and expensive night out
80. Spend an entire day in bed
81. Watch the Best picture nominees each year
82. Go to Pride
83. Go to three Cons (0/3)
84. Ask seven people for a number and play those seven in the lottery
85. Join a book club
86. Join a food club
87. Start my own silkscreen business
88. Organize this list (done!)
89. Take ball room dancing lessons
90. Stay at a bead and breakfast
91. Get a video camera
92. Get an off campus apartment
93. Get a new cell phone
94. Design my tattoo
95. Get a new alarm clock


96. Cook 30 new recipes
97. Take a cooking course
98. Learn and make 10 Drinks
99. Have a dinner party
100. Buy an immersion blender
101. Make home made Ice cream
102. Eat Duck

Monday, May 19, 2008

101 in 1001

1.Speak Esperanto fluently
2.Learn Hebrew
3.Speak Hebrew fluently
4.“Speak” Sign language fluently
5.Write 5 ten page short stories
6.Write ten five page short stories
7.Use dream weaver to design my personal site
8.Buy a domain name and launch my own website
9.Read 20 novels outside of class
10.Lose 10lbs
11.Lose 20lbs
12.Lose 30lbs
13.Study abroad
14.Write a novel
15.Write 50 poems
16.Learn to play an instrument
17.Take a cooking course
18.Learn to make my own cloths
19.Go to Norway
20.Save 5,000$
21.Blog Everyday for a month about stuff other than my life
22.Go one month without soda
23.Complete a legacy challenge in sims 3
24.Get my passport
25.Visit 5 states I've never been to
26.Make my bed for two weeks consecutivly
27.Complete NaNoWriMo at least once
28.No Internet for a week
29.Get my license
30.Send 10 cards or letters through the mail
31.Read the Torah
32.Join the Hillel for at least a year
33.Go on a road Trip
34.Get rid of 50 material things
35.Make friends with 10 New people
36.Go vegetarian a week
37.Go vegan for a week
38.Speak nothing but the truth for a day
39.Treat a homeless person to dinner
40.Confront my father
41.Call someone in my cellphone that I never talk to and hang out with them
42.Do not skip class for a month
43.Buy 20 DVD's
44.Spend 300$ on cloths for myself
45.Win a game of beer pong
46.Learn about the Jewish holidays
47.Participate in said Jewish Holidays
48.Cook 30 new recipes
49.Send a secret to Post Secret
50.Stay up for 48hours straight
51.Reread all the Harry Potter Books
52.Reread all Tamera Peirce books
53.Read the Lord of the Rings
54.Have sex in an unusual place
55.Run a roleplaying game and keep it going
56.Buy from the co-op
57.Buy from the farmers market
58.Go to a concert
59.Have a very fancy and expensive night out
60.No Computer for a week
61.Take a road trip cross-country.
62.Spend an entire day in bed
63.Go one day without speaking
64.Blog about every achievement
65.Watch the Best picture nominees each year
66.reupholster the throne
67.learn 5 traditional jewish dishes
68.Be able to cook said dishes from memory
69.Learn and make 10 Drinks
70.Buy an immersion blender
71.Go to Temple
72.Have a dinner party
73.Have a murder mystery party
74.Go to Pride
75.Go to three Cons
76.Ask seven people for a number and play those seven in the lottery
77.Go without stumbling for a week
78.Make home made Ice cream
79.Anonymously pay for someone’s tab a restaurant
80.Read 10 banned books
81.Road trip for a week without a map
82.buy an iPod
83.Join a book club
84.Join a food club
85.Subscribe to a magazine
86.Start my own silkscreen business
87.Organize this list
88.Take ball room dancing lessons
89.attend an Esperanto convention
90.Stay at a bead and breakfast
91.Go on a weekend getaway with someone I love (and not let them pay for anything)
92.Buy nothing but groceries for an entire month
93.Get a video camera
94.Get a job
95.Plant a tree
96.Get an off campus apartment
97.Get a new cell phone
98.Build something
99.Design my tattoo
100. Get a new alarm clock
101. Eat Duck

Big update coming your way

Hey guys, be on the lookout for a an update that'll open the door for more activity for me and you as start and undertake the 100 in 1001 challenge.

