So, today is my first day of Journal keeping, and I've decided that instead of just writing at the end of the day I'm going to keep a Open Office Writer file open write things down as they happen. So, wish me luck.
9am – Normally I sleep in after Patrick has left, but because today is election day, as well as the first election I've been a part of, I wanted to be awake for as long as possible and watch how things go.
Also, I want to read a little bit. I checked out a book by Anne Lamott, and it's not a fiction book, it's a journal of her first year of raising her son. And because I've always wanted a child or ten I thought it would be interesting read.
I feel the need to write today as well, because I didn't do it yesterday because I decided to take the day off from that and do the four questions, because I figured that it would help me out in figuring out what I wanted to do. It was odd though, cause I've wanted to do them for a really long time, but it wasn't until I went to the computer center that I could actually sit down and do them. I think I may have learned my first tactic to helping me write. Sometimes you need to visit other places in order to gat anything done.
12 – I finished the Journal/Book that made we want to start this journal thing, and I have to say, I am very impressed with Anne Lammott's writing. Also, I am very, very hungry.
9pm- Twelve hours ago, this is what I had been hoping for. And it happened, Obama was elected! Chaos ensued outside as little clumps of people crashed into other little clumps, and a language was created out of whoops and hollers, and on television “Yes we can” Has become almost a God-filled phrase. Almost a Prayer.
I have never been prouder to be an american.